How to Choose the Best Driveway Designer for Your Property

 In Blog, Driveways & Patios

 Consider your driveway a fundamental part of your front yard. It can be contemporary or conventional, unassuming, or enclosed by luscious front yard landscaping. 

When selecting a decorative driveway design, you should take into consideration several factors, such as the size of your home and the extent of available area in your compound. Three inexpensive and long-lasting materials that can be used to build driveways are pavers, concrete and asphalt.

  • Designing the Driveway

Various designing issues need to be thought through and addressed. For instance, you would need to decide if you want to opt for a Straight or Curved driveway layout.  If you have a small front yard with just enough space for your car, all the ornate work will go into landscaping and material choices.

  • Placement

In order to make sure that you or your guests never have to step on wet grass or fresh plants, a driveway should, ideally, come juxtaposed with a sidewalk that leads to your door, and the distance from your driveway to your front door should be less than 20 feet.

  • Width 

To provide extra room for drivers and passengers, a driveway should be a minimum of 10-12 feet wide.

  • Restricting the parking space

If you had the room to choose, it would be best to pick a parking area away from the front door and the main living room window. Limiting the spaces where cars can drive in and park will also give you more room for planting, facilitating a finish that’s in harmony with your home’s exterior design.

  • Accommodating access on foot

Your driveway should be an extension of your front yard. That is why it is imperative that you don’t just design nice walkways without thinking how practical they are in terms of, say for instance, the distance between your front gate and front door.

  • Mitigating the driveway’s visual and environmental impact 

Unadorned driveways can be given more personality with garden edging, while well-thought-out garden borders tend to alleviate the hard edges of the landscaping and provide opportunities for drainage. 

When it comes to driveways, making them gorgeous is a never-ending venture. You are only limited by your imagination because the scope of work is limitless. So, trust experienced professionals to get the job done. One of the best driveway design companies in Epsom is B&T Jobson Landscape Gardeners. You may get in touch with them for a free consultation today!

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